Seder Bowls for a Modern Passover Table

Seder Bowls for a Modern Passover Table


Seder bowls for modern social justice themes.

In my home and many others for a number of years now we have added a few items to the passover table to introduce modern social justice themes into the conversations. I couldn’t let these go without a dish so I have created ceramic bowls with illustrations of these commonly add passover elements.

In the images they are all painted in color to match the illustrated seder plate but if you want them to match the blue seder plate you can order them in the “Minimalist Blue Silhouette” design. (Sorry no images for now these samples aren’t done yet)

The orange represents inclusion and honors our LGBTQ+ community

The Artichoke - is an acknowledgement of interfaith marriages

The Olives symbolize peace and hope for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict in Israel and Palestine.

Dimensions : 4 inch diameter and 1.75 Tall

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Illustrated Seder Plate sederplate_color.JPG

Illustrated Seder Plate

Blue Seder Plate bluesederplate_sideviewingrass.JPG

Blue Seder Plate
